ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Communist University of the National Minorities of the West

Okay kiddo, so you know how different people can belong to different groups or communities, like some people speak Spanish or German instead of English? Well, some countries, like Romania, also have different groups of people who belong to different cultures or languages. These groups are called national minorities.

The Communist University of the National Minorities of the West was a special type of school set up in Romania during the time when the country was ruled by a political system called communism. The people who set up the university wanted to make sure that the national minorities in Romania were given equal opportunities to get an education, even if they also wanted to learn about communism.

So, the university was specifically for people who belonged to these national minority groups in Romania. The school offered classes in different languages, like Hungarian, German, or Serbian, and also had classes about communism and socialist ideas. The teachers were often people who also belonged to the same national minority group as the students.

Overall, the idea was to make sure that everyone had access to education and could learn about different ideas, regardless of their background or culture. By having a special university just for national minorities, it was hoped that everyone could be treated fairly and given a chance to excel.