ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Community Cadet Forces

Ok kiddo, so you know how there are kids who want to be in the army or navy or air force when they grow up, right? Well, there are groups called community cadet forces that help these kids learn about being in the military and give them a chance to practice some of the skills they'll need.

In these groups, you'll meet other kids who want to learn the same things you do, and you'll work together to learn about things like map reading, shooting, camping, and marching. You might even get to wear a uniform and learn how to salute like a real soldier!

The leaders of these groups are often people who have been in the military themselves, or who have a lot of experience in these types of activities. They'll teach you things like discipline and teamwork, and they'll help you learn to be respectful to other people.

It's important to remember that being in a community cadet force doesn't mean you have to join the military when you're older – it's just a way to learn and have fun! So if you're interested in the military or just want to try something new, joining a community cadet force could be a great way to do it!