ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Community foundation

Okay kiddo, so a community foundation is like a big jar that people put money into. This money is used to help our community be a better, happier, and safer place to live.

Just like we put our allowance money into our piggy bank to save for something special, people put their money into the community foundation to help save and support important causes in our community! The money doesn't just sit in the jar though, it is used to help make a difference in people's lives.

The community foundation helps decide where the money will be used to help people, like helping to build a new playground, supporting animal shelters, or helping families in need get food, clothes, or healthcare.

So, you can see that the community foundation is like a big helper for our town or city. It helps people who need it, and it makes our community a better place for all of us to live in.