ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Comodule over a Hopf algebroid

Okay, imagine you have two friends, let's call them Tom and Jerry. They love playing with toys and they have some special toys that they can share with each other. These special toys are called comodules and they are part of something called a Hopf algebroid.

Now, let's first understand what a Hopf algebroid is. Just like your toy box is a place where you keep all your toys, a Hopf algebroid is a special box where you keep some special mathematical objects. In this case, the box contains two things: an algebra and a coalgebra.

The algebra is like a set of rules that you use to play with the toys. It tells you how to add them together or multiply them. The coalgebra, on the other hand, tells you how to take apart the toys and look at their different parts.

Now, Tom and Jerry have some comodules. A comodule is like a special type of toy that can be shared between Tom and Jerry. It's like a toy that has two sides, one for Tom and one for Jerry.

When Tom takes a toy from the Hopf algebroid box, he can play with it using the rules of the algebra. He can add or multiply the toy with other toys according to these rules.

But here is where it gets interesting. The algebra also allows Tom to give the toy to Jerry. When Tom gives the toy to Jerry, it's like he is taking the toy apart and giving some parts to Jerry. This is where the coalgebra part of the Hopf algebroid comes into play. The coalgebra tells Tom how to take apart the toy and give parts to Jerry.

Now, Jerry can also play with the toy using the rules of the algebra. He can add or multiply the toy with other toys according to these rules. And if Jerry wants to give the toy back to Tom, he can also use the coalgebra rules to take apart the toy and give parts back to Tom.

So, in summary, a comodule over a Hopf algebroid is a special toy that can be shared between Tom and Jerry. Tom can play with the toy using the algebra rules, and he can give parts of the toy to Jerry using the coalgebra rules. Jerry can also play with the toy using the algebra rules and give parts back to Tom using the coalgebra rules.