ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Compassion focused therapy

Compassion focused therapy is when someone talks to another person to help them feel better. Imagine you are feeling really upset because someone was mean to you. A person who practices compassion focused therapy would talk to you in a very kind and understanding way to help you feel better.

The person would first have you describe your feelings, which means telling them how you feel inside. Then they would listen carefully and try to understand why you feel that way. They might ask questions to help you get a better idea of what you are going through.

Next, they would use kind words, like saying “that sounds really tough” or “you’re not alone in feeling that way.” They might also tell stories, like a story about a time they felt the same way and what they did to feel better.

They would help you think more kindly about yourself and others. They might tell you about things that you do well, and try to help you focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses.

Overall, compassion focused therapy is about being really, really nice to someone who is feeling bad so that they can feel better.