ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever worked really hard on something like a puzzle or drawing? And then someone else tries to take credit for it or doesn't even acknowledge that you did it? That's not fair or right, is it?

Well, the same thing can happen with work at a job. Sometimes people work really hard, but they don't get paid enough or they don't get recognized for their hard work.

Compensationism is a big word that means making sure people are fairly rewarded for their work. It's like making sure everyone gets a fair share of the toys when they play together.

When people work together at jobs, they should all be treated fairly and rewarded for their hard work. Compensationism helps make sure that happens. It's a way of making sure that everyone gets what they've earned and that no one is left without enough.

Just like how you and your friends share toys fairly, compensationism helps make sure that grown-ups share their hard work and get what they deserve for it.
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