ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Complementary code keying

Have you ever played with a secret code? Complementary code keying (CCK) is like a secret code for computers to talk to each other without anyone else understanding what they're saying.

To understand CCK, first we need to understand binary code. Binary code is a language that computers use to communicate with each other. It only has two symbols - 0 and 1. Kind of like how you might have two special stickers, one with a star and one with a heart, and you can use those stickers to make different patterns. Computers use 0 and 1 to make different patterns too.

Now, imagine that two computers want to talk to each other, but they don't want anyone else to understand what they're saying. Enter CCK! CCK is a way for the two computers to send secret messages to each other.

CCK works by taking the binary code that the computers would normally use to talk to each other, and flipping it. So if the code is 1010, CCK would turn that into 0101. This is like making a secret code by switching the stickers around.

But wait, there's more! CCK doesn't just flip the code. It also adds some extra 0's and 1's in between the regular code. This makes it even harder for anyone else to understand what the computers are saying. It's like adding some extra random stickers in between the special ones to mess with anyone else who might be trying to read your secret code!

So, in summary, complementary code keying is a way for computers to talk to each other in secret code by flipping and adding extra symbols to the binary code they would normally use. It's like making a secret code with stickers, but for computers.