ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Complex manifold

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big piece of paper that has lots of hills and valleys on it. This paper is called a manifold.

Now imagine the paper is really special because it has a lot of dots on it that tell you how to move around on the hills and valleys. These dots are called coordinates.

Usually, the dots on the paper are just numbers, but in a complex manifold, they are two numbers stuck together like twins! We call these twins complex numbers.

Complex numbers are pretty cool because they have a real part (like a regular number) and an imaginary part (which is a bit like a ghost!). Together, they form something called a "complex plane".

Now, just like before, you can move around on the hills and valleys of the manifold using these special "twin-dot" coordinates made of complex numbers.

Complex manifolds are a bit tricky, but they're really important in something called "complex geometry". They help us understand how shapes behave when we add in the extra dimension of the imaginary part of a number.

So, in short, a complex manifold is like a special paper with hills and valleys that you can move around on using special twin-dot numbers called complex numbers. It helps us understand how shapes behave in more than just the usual way.