ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computational humor

Computational humor is when computers try to make jokes or funny things. You know how people make funny jokes all the time? Well, computers can try to do the same thing. They use special programs and algorithms to make something that humans find funny.

The thing is, making jokes is really hard for computers. It’s because humor is something that is very human, and our sense of humor is unique to each one of us. So, computers have to try really hard to understand what people find funny.

One way computers can make jokes is by using something called a pun. A pun is when a word or phrase has more than one meaning, and the joke is built on the play on words. For example, "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!" This joke is funny because "make up" can mean "compose" and "invent" as well as "forgive".

Another way computers can make jokes is by analyzing the patterns and structure of language. They can look for sentence structures or word combinations that are often used in jokes and try to create similar ones. But even that is tough because jokes also rely on timing and delivery, things that computers can’t always do very well.

Overall, computational humor is a challenging problem for computer scientists. They are always trying to improve the algorithms and programs to make jokes that are as funny and natural as possible.
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