Computational literacy means being really good at using computers and technology to do things like solve problems, create things, and communicate. It's like being able to speak a special language that helps you control machines so they can work as you want them to.
Being computationally literate involves learning how to code, which is like giving instructions to a computer on what to do. It's like telling your toy robot how to move by pressing different buttons. You can even make your own games, websites, and apps using code!
At an early age, you can start learning the basics of coding with simple games and activities that involve logic and problem-solving skills. As you get better at coding, you can create more complex programs and even use technology to tackle real-world problems, like how to recycle more efficiently or how to forecast weather patterns.
It’s a great skill to have because almost every job nowadays requires some level of computational literacy, from science and engineering to healthcare and finance. Plus, it's fun and helps you create things you might not have even thought were possible!