ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you have a toy car that you can take apart and put back together. The car is made up of lots of different parts, like wheels and gears and buttons. When you put these parts together in the right way, you can make the car move and do cool things.

Now, imagine that your brain is like that toy car. It's made up of lots of different parts, too, called neurons. These neurons work together to help you think and feel and do stuff.

Computationalism is the idea that our brains work a lot like computers. Just like a computer is made up of lots of tiny parts that work together to process information, our brains are made up of lots of tiny neurons that work together to process information, too.

So, when you see something, like a red ball, your brain sends signals through all those little neurons to figure out what it is and what you should do about it. Maybe you'll decide to pick it up and throw it, or maybe you'll just look at it and think it's pretty.

Computationalism is a fancy word for this idea that our brains are like big, complex computers that help us do all the things we do. Pretty cool, huh?