ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computer Entertainment Rating Organization

Hey there kiddo! Do you like playing video games? Well, there's a group of grown-ups that help make sure the games you play are safe and appropriate for your age. That group is called the Computer Entertainment Rating Organization, or CERO for short.

Basically, CERO looks at all the different video games that are made and decides what age group they are good for. They use a special system with different symbols to show if a game is best for kids, teenagers, or grown-ups. The symbols are like little pictures, so it's easy to understand.

They also look at the content of the game to make sure it's not too violent or mature. If a game is too scary or has bad language or violence, CERO will give it a higher age rating or even restrict it completely. This way, parents can make sure their kids are only playing games that are OK for them.

So, next time you see a little symbol on a video game box or in the online store, you'll know that CERO helped put it there. It's just a way to help you find the fun games that are good for your age and won't make your parents worry.