ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computer-generated holography

Computer-generated holography is like making a special magic picture that looks like it's floating in thin air.

Imagine you draw a picture on a piece of paper, then you take another piece of paper and make a copy of the picture. Here's the trick: instead of just drawing another copy, you make tiny bumps and grooves on the paper in the shape of the picture.

Now, when you shine a special kind of light on the paper, it bounces off the bumps and grooves in just the right way to create a 3D image of the picture.

The computer makes these bumps and grooves too, but it does it with special numbers called algorithms instead of by hand. Once the computer has made the bumps and grooves, it can shine a special laser on them to create a hologram- a 3D image you can see as if it was floating in front of you like magic.

Scientists and artists use computer-generated holography to make cool things like medical imaging displays, art installations, even virtual reality experiences!