ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Concept image and concept definition

Let's imagine you're playing with blocks, and you want to build a castle. Before you start building the castle, you need to have an idea in your mind of what the castle will look like. This idea in your mind is called a concept image.

A concept image is like a picture in your mind of what something will look like or how it will work. It's like a plan you have in your head before you start doing something.

Now, let's say you build the castle with your blocks and you want to show it to someone else. You need to be able to explain to them what the castle is and what it does. This explanation is called a concept definition.

A concept definition is like a description of the thing you built or the idea you have in your mind. It's like telling someone what your castle looks like, how many towers it has, and what the drawbridge does.

So, to summarize, a concept image is a picture in your mind of what something will look like or how it will work, and a concept definition is an explanation of that thing or idea. It's like having a plan and then telling someone about it.