ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Concession (contract)

Imagine you're playing with your toys and your friend wants to borrow one of them. You tell them they can only borrow it if they promise to give it back to you later. Your friend agrees, and this promise is like a contract between you both.

A concession contract is similar to this toy borrowing situation, except it's between a company (like a store, restaurant or amusement park) and the government. The company is allowed to use a certain piece of land or facility owned by the government, like a national park or a bus station. In exchange for using the land or facility, the company promises to follow certain rules and pay the government a fee, like rent or taxes.

For example, let's say a company wants to build a restaurant in a national park. They would ask the government if they can use a certain area of the park for their restaurant. If the government agrees, they would sign a concession contract. The contract would outline the rules and guidelines the company must follow, such as how they can use the land, how they must protect the environment, and how much money they have to pay the government each year.

Just like when you lend your toy to your friend, both parties must keep their promises in a concession contract. The company must follow the rules and pay the fees, and the government must uphold their end of the bargain too. This ensures that both the company and the government benefit from the agreement.