ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Condition of England question

The condition of England question was like when your parents ask you how your day at school was. Only, some really important people in a long time ago England asked a similar question about the whole country because things were not going well. They wanted to know why so many people were poor and unhappy and what could be done to make things better.

You know how sometimes you get really sick and your mom or dad takes you to the doctor? Well, in England, some people thought that the country was really sick and needed to be fixed. This made them worried because they didn't want the country to get even sicker and have more problems later on.

The condition of England question was trying to figure out why so many people were poor, hungry, and not happy. Some kids in your class might not have enough food to eat or a good place to sleep, and that makes them sad. Something similar was happening in England, but with grown-ups instead of kids.

The people who asked the condition of England question tried to understand why some people didn't have enough money to buy food or clothes. They also wanted to figure out why some people were working long hours for very little pay. Overall, they were trying to understand why so many people in England were struggling.

So, just like when you are sick, and the doctor gives you medicine, the people in England tried to find ways to make things better. They came up with different ideas and solutions to help people who were struggling so that everyone could live a better life.