ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conflict of marriage laws

Okay kiddo, imagine you live in a big world where there are lots of different rules for different things in different places. Now imagine you meet someone you really love and want to get married to, but they live in a different place with different rules. When you get married, you need to follow the rules of the place where you are getting married, but sometimes these rules are different from the rules where you or your partner are from.

This can be a problem if there are conflicts between the rules. For example, in some places, cousins can get married, but in other places, it's not allowed. If you and your partner are from different places with different rules, you might not be able to get married in one of your home countries because the rules there say that cousins can't get married. This is called a conflict of marriage laws.

This can happen for lots of different reasons. Maybe one place has different laws about age and you're not old enough to get married according to the rules of the place where you live, but you could get married in another place where the rules are different.

It can be really confusing, especially if you're not sure which rules apply to your situation. That's why it's important to talk to someone who knows the rules about getting married in different places, like a lawyer or a marriage registrar. They can help you figure out which rules apply and what you need to do to get married.
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