ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Consequences (game)

Okay, so you know how sometimes you do something that isn't really good and your parents or teachers say there will be consequences? Well, in the game "Consequences", it's kind of like that but it's more fun because it's a game you can play with other people.

So, in the game, you take turns writing down parts of a story like the name of a person, where they were, what they were doing, who they met, and what happened. You fold the paper so the next person can't see what you wrote and then they write the next part and fold the paper again. You keep doing this until you have a complete story.

But here's the fun part - at the end, you unfold the paper and read the story out loud. The story might be really silly or make no sense at all because everyone was writing different parts without knowing what the others wrote.

And that's where the consequences come in. If you wrote something like "the person fell into a pool of mud", then the consequence would be that they got really dirty and maybe embarrassed. Or if someone wrote that the character stole something, the consequence could be that they got in trouble with the police.

It's all just pretend and for fun, but it's a good way to use your imagination and make up silly stories with your friends.