Consolamentum was a special ritual performed by a group of people called Cathars a long time ago in Europe. Think of it as a special ceremony where someone who wanted to become a Cathar got special blessings from their leaders.
During this ceremony, the person would receive some special oil and the Cathar leaders would touch their forehead and pray for them. It was like a special blessing that made the person feel closer to God and the Cathar community.
The word Consolamentum comes from the Latin word "consolatio" which means "consolation" or "comfort." So, it was supposed to bring comfort to the person who was receiving it.
It was a very important ceremony for the Cathars, and only someone who was very committed to their beliefs could receive it. They believed that by receiving Consolamentum, the person would be cleansed of their sins, and they would be able to enter heaven when they died.
In a way, it was like a baptism, but for adults who had chosen to become part of the Cathar community. It was a way for them to show their commitment to their beliefs and to the community as a whole.