ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Constant function

A constant function is like having a toy that always does the same thing. Let's imagine you have a toy car that always moves forward no matter what you do. You can push it or turn it or even lift it up, but it always moves forward. It doesn't change no matter what you do to it.

That's what a constant function is like. You have a function that always produces the same output no matter what input you give it. For example, let's say you have a function that always gives the number 3. It doesn't matter what number you put into the function, it will always give you the number 3 as the output.

Just like with the toy car, you can't change the output of a constant function. It's always going to be the same. It might not be very exciting, but it can be useful in some situations, like when you need a specific value to stay the same throughout your calculations.