ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Constant-slope barrier

Have you ever seen a big wall or fence along the side of the road, that goes up and down over hills and valleys, and seems to be the same height throughout? That's called a constant-slope barrier!

The purpose of this barrier is to keep cars and other vehicles from going off the road or crossing into oncoming traffic. If the road is on a hill, the barrier will be tilted to match the slope of the hill. This way, the barrier stays the same height above the ground throughout, so it can do its job of blocking cars from going where they shouldn't.

The constant-slope barrier is designed to be strong and durable, so it can protect drivers and passengers in case of an accident. It is made of materials like concrete or steel, which can withstand heavy impacts.

So, next time you see a constant-slope barrier along the road, remember that it's there to keep you safe and make sure you stay on the road where you belong!