ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Constitutional convention (political custom)

Okay kiddo, so a constitutional convention is basically a big meeting where people talk about changing the rules for how our country is run. You know how we have the Constitution that tells us all the important stuff about how the United States works? Well, sometimes people might think that some parts of it need to be changed or added to. That's where the constitutional convention comes in.

It's a tradition that's been around since the founding of our country, and it's a way for the people to have a say in how their government works. Basically, representatives from each state get together to talk about changing the Constitution. They might come up with new ideas or ways of doing things that they think will make the country better.

But it's pretty hard to change the Constitution because it's kind of like the rulebook for our whole country. So, that's why we don't do it very often. In fact, we've only had one constitutional convention, back when the Constitution was first written. But just knowing that we have the option to do it if we need to makes people feel better about the way our government works.
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