ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Construction 3D printing

Hello there! Do you know how sometimes you play with some clay or toy blocks to make different shapes and things? Well, just like that, construction 3D printing is all about creating big and strong things like houses, bridges, and even parts for spaceships using really big and expensive machines that can print out these things like a big robot.

When we say 3D printing, we usually think of little things that we can hold in our hands, like toys or jewelry, but construction 3D printing is about making big things. Imagine pouring out toothpaste from a tube, but instead of toothpaste, it's a mixture of the cement that builders use and water which is called the "concrete." Instead of squeezing this mixture out of a tube, construction 3D printers use a nozzle that moves around to squirt the concrete mixture in thin layers that stack on top of each other to create a whole structure.

This type of building is called additive construction, because instead of taking material away, like carving wood or stone, the printer keeps adding more material until it builds the whole thing. The printer is connected to computers, which prepare the instructions for what to build, and then the printer goes to work following those instructions.

This type of building is really helpful because it's faster and cheaper than traditional construction methods. Traditional methods often need a lot of workers and heavy equipment to move and shape things on site, but 3D printing machines can work day and night, without getting tired or needing breaks.

And because the printer can follow precise instructions, it can create unique shapes and designs that might be challenging or expensive to make using traditional methods. So, in summary, construction 3D printing is all about using big machines to create buildings and structures by adding layers of concrete mixture until they form the final shape following precise instructions from computers.