ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Construction of the real numbers

Okay, buddy, let's talk about real numbers! You know how we can count things like apples, toys, or even our fingers? Those are all whole numbers. But sometimes we also need to measure things like time or weight, and we use numbers with decimals like 1.5 or 2.3. Those are called real numbers, and they make up all the different points on a number line.

Now, how do we actually make these real numbers? This is where it gets a little tricky. See, back in the day, people used to think that all numbers were either whole or fractions, but they found out that some numbers didn't fit neatly into either category. For example, the square root of 2 is a number that can't be expressed as a fraction or a whole number because it goes on forever and ever without repeating. This is where the construction of real numbers comes in.

To build real numbers, we start by using something called Dedekind cuts. I know, it sounds complicated, but it's really not! A Dedekind cut is just a way of dividing up all the real numbers into two groups: those that are less than a certain number, and those that are greater than or equal to that number. For example, the Dedekind cut for the number 1.5 would include all the numbers less than 1.5 (like 1, 0.5, or even 1.49), and all the numbers greater than or equal to 1.5 (like 1.51, 2, or even infinity).

We do this for every possible real number, and we call these groups "cuts." Now we're able to put all these cuts onto a number line, just like we did with whole numbers and fractions before. The only difference is that we have way more points on the line now, and they're all real numbers!

So there you have it, buddy. Real numbers are numbers that can have decimals and they make up all the different points on a number line. We build them using something called Dedekind cuts, which are just a way of dividing up all the real numbers into groups. It may seem confusing at first, but with a little patience and practice, anyone can understand it!