ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Constructionist learning

Constructionist learning is like playing with Legos! Just like how we can build a house or a car by putting together different pieces of Legos, constructionist learning is a way of learning by building things ourselves.

In constructionist learning, we get to create something from scratch by experimenting, tinkering, and exploring. It's like taking a problem and using our imagination to come up with different solutions. By trying out different methods and approaches, we learn through experience and trial and error.

Constructionist learning also involves collaboration with others. Just like how we can build bigger and better things with our friends by pooling our Legos together, we can learn better by working together and sharing ideas. This way we can learn from each other's successes and mistakes.

Overall, constructionist learning allows us to be creative, curious, and hands-on in our learning. We get to actively participate in the learning process rather than just passively listening to a teacher. Just like how building with Legos can be fun and exciting, constructionist learning can be too!