ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Contact (1997 American film)

"Contact" is a movie about a scientist named Ellie Arroway who wants to find out if there are other beings or civilizations out there in space. She thinks that if they exist, they might use radio waves to communicate with us.

Ellie and her team build a machine that can listen to radio waves from space. They find signals that seem to be coming from another planet, and Ellie believes that they might have found proof of extraterrestrial life.

But not everyone believes Ellie's discovery. Some people think that she's making it up, and others think that the signals might be a hoax or interference from something here on Earth.

To find out for sure, Ellie goes on a dangerous journey to the other planet with a team of astronauts. When she gets there, she has a strange experience that she can't explain.

In the end, Ellie comes back to Earth and shares her story, but not everyone believes it. She realizes that even though she can't prove what she saw, it doesn't mean that it didn't happen. The movie shows us that sometimes, the most important things in life are the things we can't explain.