ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Contact call

Have you ever been playing with your friends and realized that you couldn't find them? You might call out to them and say something like "Marco!" and then your friends would respond by saying "Polo!" That's a type of contact call!

Animals also have contact calls that they use to find each other when they get separated. For example, elephants make a low rumbling noise that can be heard from far away. This helps other elephants know where they are and find them if they get lost.

Birds also have contact calls, and they use them to communicate with each other in their big groups called flocks. When you see a flock of birds flying together, they might be tweeting and chirping to each other to stay close and make sure nobody gets left behind.

So, a contact call is a special sound or noise that animals make to stay in touch with each other and find each other when they get separated. It's like a secret code that only they can understand!
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