ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Contemporary Hit Radio

Contemporary hit radio, also known as CHR, is a type of radio station that plays popular songs that are currently on the charts or getting a lot of airplay.

Imagine if you and your friends like to sing along to the most popular songs you hear on the radio. That's what a contemporary hit radio station plays! They play the songs that are really popular right now, so you can sing along and enjoy them.

But how do they know which songs are popular right now? That's where a chart comes in. A chart is a list of the most popular songs, based on things like how many times they've been played on the radio or how many people have bought or streamed them.

Contemporary hit radio stations use these charts to decide which songs to play. They might also have DJs, which are people who talk between the songs and tell you what's coming up next.

So if you want to hear the songs that everyone else is listening to, tune in to a contemporary hit radio station! They'll play all the songs that are hot right now.