ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Context sensitive user interface

Okay kiddo, imagine you’re playing with some toys. Your toys change depending on where you are and who you’re playing with, right? If you’re at home with your family, you might play with different toys than if you’re at school with your friends. That’s kind of what a context sensitive user interface is like - it changes depending on the situation you’re in.

Now, instead of toys, think about using a computer. If you’re using a computer at home, you might want to see different things than if you’re using it at work. Maybe you want to see pictures of your family on your home computer, but at work you want your computer to show you important emails or documents for your job.

So, a context sensitive user interface is like having a computer that shows you the things you need to see depending on the situation you’re in. It tries to be smart and understand what you need to see at that moment. It’s like having a friend who knows exactly what you need without you having to ask them.

The computer can do this by using information about where you are, who you are, and what you’re doing. It’s like if your toybox had a magic fairy who knew what toys you liked to play with, and would magically make those toys appear when you wanted them.

Overall, a context sensitive user interface makes using your computer easier and more helpful. And just like how your friend or fairy knows exactly what you need, the computer can help you find the right things to do or see without making you search for them.