ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Continuous Automatic Warning System

Okay, so you know how sometimes adults give us warnings like "don't touch that hot pot" or "look both ways before crossing the street"? Well, machines can also give us warnings to help keep us safe.

The continuous automatic warning system is like a very smart machine that watches over other machines and things around us to make sure everything is working safely. If anything starts to go wrong, it will make a noise or give a signal to let us know that something is not okay.

Imagine you are playing with toys and suddenly you hear a loud beeping noise. That could be a warning from the automatic warning system saying that something is wrong with the toy you are playing with. Maybe there's a problem with the batteries or the toy is about to break. The system is there to protect you so you don't get hurt by a broken toy.

The continuous automatic warning system is very important because it helps us avoid accidents and keeps us safe. It's like having your own superhero watching over you all the time!