ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Convention over Code

Convention over code is like having a rulebook that everyone follows when they write computer programs. Just like when you play a game and you have certain rules to follow, programmers have certain rules to follow too.

These rules are called conventions, and they help make the code easier to read, understand, and work with. It's like using a secret language that only programmers can understand.

Using conventions means that even if different people write the same code, it will look and work the same way. This makes it easier for programmers to work together and for the computer to understand the code.

For example, one convention might be to always use the same indentation (spacing) when writing code. This makes it easier to see which lines of code are connected and which ones aren't.

Overall, convention over code helps to create a more organized and efficient programming environment so that we can all write better code together.
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