ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Convergent validity

Convergent validity means that different ways of measuring something should all give similar results. If you were measuring how tall a building is, you would want all the different ways of measuring it, like counting the number of floors, using measuring tape or a ruler, to give you a similar answer.

Similarly, if you were trying to measure something more complicated like how happy someone is, you would want different ways of measuring happiness, like asking people how happy they feel or measuring their brain activity, to give you a similar answer as well. This is called convergent validity because all the different measurements "converge" or come together to show you the same thing.

Convergent validity is important because if different measurements don't all give similar results, that means one or more of the measurements may not be accurate or reliable. It is like trying to put a puzzle together, if some of the pieces don't fit properly, you won't be able to get the full picture.