ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Copper pour

Okay, imagine you are drawing a picture with a crayon on a piece of paper. Sometimes you want the crayon to be a little bit thicker in some parts of your picture, right? Well, when we make printed circuit boards (PCBs), we also want some parts of the board to have more metal (copper) than others. We use something called a copper pour to do this.

A copper pour is kind of like coloring in an area of the PCB with a crayon, except it's with metal instead of crayon. We draw a big shape on the PCB where we want extra metal, and then we fill it in with copper. This shape is called a pour.

So why do we want some parts of the PCB to have more copper than others? Well, copper is a good conductor, which means it's really good at letting electricity flow through it. Some parts of the PCB need to carry more electricity than others, so we make the copper there thicker to help it move the electricity faster and with less resistance. This makes the PCB work better and more efficiently.

I hope that makes sense! Just remember, a copper pour is like coloring in a picture with metal, and we do it to help the PCB carry electricity better.
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