ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Copy and paste programming

Copy and paste programming is when you copy code from one place and then paste it somewhere else, without really understanding what the code does. It's like when you copy a picture and paste it into a document without really thinking about what it means.

This is not a good way to learn how to code because if you only copy and paste, you won't really understand what is happening in the code. It's like cheating on a test – you might get the right answer, but you won't really know why it's right.

It's important to write code yourself and try to understand what each line does. Otherwise, you'll make mistakes without knowing how to fix them. It's like trying to build a tower by copying someone else's steps, but not really understanding why they made those steps.

So, it's important to be patient and take the time to learn how each line of code works, so you can create your own tower, or program, without making mistakes.
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