ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Copyright aspects of hyperlinking and framing

Imagine you have a toy car and you want to show it to your friends. You have two ways to do this. You can either show them the car by giving it to them directly or you can just show them the picture of the toy car in a book.

In the same way, when you want to show someone something on the internet, you can either give them the complete webpage or you can show them a small part of it through a link or frame.

Now, these links and frames can be related to videos, images, or any other content that is available on the internet. And the information on the internet is owned by someone, just like the toy car is owned by you.

So, if you want to show someone else's content by using a link or a frame, you need to be careful about certain things. You can't just copy and paste the content and claim it as your own.

If you use a link to someone else's content, it's like showing a picture of the toy car from the book. You are not claiming ownership of the car, you are just showing a way to get to it. This is legal and allowed.

Framing, on the other hand, is like showing a picture of the toy car in your own room with your own picture frame around it. This is not allowed because you are presenting someone else's content as your own.

So, in simple terms, when you use a hyperlink to show someone else's content, it's like giving them directions to where they can find it. But when you use framing, it's like taking credit for someone else's work.