ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cornell box

Imagine you have a tall box with no top or bottom but walls on all sides. Let's call this your "Cornell Box." Now, let's imagine this box is a special box where you can make a little world inside of it by controlling the light that comes in.

First, put a small table in the middle of the box. This table will hold the objects you want to display, like a vase or an apple. With this box, you'll be able to create a tiny world with perfect lighting just like in real life!

Now, think about the different things you need to make a good picture or scene. You need light, shadows, color, and shape. To play with all of these things you need to control where the light comes from.

You can put the light source (like a lamp or flashlight) in different places around the box to see how it changes the way your little world looks. You could put the light on one side and see how shadows fall on objects across the table, or you could put the light in a corner to see how it affects the mood of the scene.

By changing the light, you can create different moods and feelings in your little world. You could make it look like nighttime, or create some drama by casting shadows on the objects.

And that's the Cornell Box! It's a place for you to make little worlds, explore lighting and shadows, and practice creating a mood or feeling with just a few simple objects.
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