ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Corridor (Via Rail)

Imagine you want to get from your house to your friend's house down the street. If you just went straight across everyone else's yard, your neighbors might not be happy with you. That’s why we use sidewalks and roads.

A corridor is like a special type of road that trains use to get from one place to another without bothering anyone else. Think of it as a train highway. Just like cars have to follow the rules of the road, trains have to follow the rules of the corridor.

Via Rail is a company that runs trains on these corridors all over Canada. They use the corridors to make sure they can get people from one place to another safely and quickly.

So, when you see a train zipping by on the tracks, you know it’s using a special corridor just for trains, kind of like a road, to get people from one place to another.