ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cotiote War

Okay kiddo, so there was this thing called the "Cotieote War". The Cotieotes were a group of people who lived in a place called Mexico a very long time ago, before America was even a country! They were kind of like a big family with their own land and things they liked to do.

But sometimes different families or groups of people want the same things, and that can cause fights. The Cotieotes started fighting with other groups of people over things like land and resources, which led to a big war that went on for a while.

During the war, the Cotieotes had to do things to protect themselves, like build big walls around their homes and create strategies for fighting. They wanted to make sure they could keep living their lives the way they wanted to without being hurt or taken over.

Eventually, the Cotieotes won the war and were able to keep the things they wanted. But fighting is never a good thing, and it's important to try and find ways to work things out peacefully so everyone can be happy and safe.