ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cotriade is a traditional dish from the region of Brittany in France. It is a type of fish stew that has been cooked for a very long time by the people who live there.

To make cotriade, first you need a big pot or a pan to cook in. Then you add a lot of different kinds of fish, like cod, mackerel, and herring. These fish are usually caught fresh from the nearby ocean, which is like a really big lake full of fish.

Next, you add some vegetables, which are like the parts of plants that we eat. This can include things like onions, carrots, and potatoes. These vegetables make the stew taste really good and add some healthy vitamins and minerals too.

Then, you pour in some water or broth, which is like a special liquid made by cooking meat or vegetables in water for a long time. This adds more flavor to the cotriade and helps to cook all the ingredients together.

Once everything is in the pot, you turn on the heat and let it cook for a while. This can take some time because you want all the flavors to mix together and the fish to become tender and tasty. While it cooks, you can sometimes smell the delicious aroma of the stew.

When the cotriade is ready, you can eat it with some bread or rice, which is like tiny pieces of plant that are cooked and eaten with meals. The stew will be hot and full of flavors from the fish and vegetables.

Cotriade is a special meal that people in Brittany have been making for a long time. They make it to celebrate and enjoy the delicious fish that they catch. It is a way for them to come together with their friends and family and share a hearty and tasty meal.