ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, or CSTE for short, is a group of important people from each state in the United States who work together to help make sure that people stay healthy and safe. Specifically, they focus on studying and preventing the spread of diseases that can harm lots of people.

Each state has its own group of people called epidemiologists who also work on understanding and stopping the spread of diseases within that state. These epidemiologists are like detectives who investigate how and why people are getting sick. For example, they might try to find out why a lot of people in a certain area are getting the flu, or when a new virus is spreading and how to prevent it from spreading even more.

The CSTE helps these state epidemiologists work together and share information so that everyone can stay healthy. They also help come up with plans that can keep people safe in case of an outbreak of a dangerous illness, and they provide advice and support to public health officials who need it.

So basically, the CSTE is a group of very smart people who study diseases and work together to make sure that everyone stays healthy and safe.