Imagine a big kingdom with a king or queen. This kingdom is divided into many different parts called regions or territories. Each region has its own important people who help run things and make sure everyone is safe and happy.
Now, in this kingdom, there is a special region called the North. This region is very big and has lots of important people living there. These people are called nobles and they are in charge of different towns and villages in the North.
Because the North is so big and important, the king or queen decides to create a special group of people to help run things there. This group is called the Council of the North. The council is made up of important nobles from the North who come together to make decisions and help the king or queen take care of this big region.
The council works together to make laws and rules that everyone in the North has to follow. They also make sure that people in the North have everything they need to be safe and happy. They might have meetings to talk about things like how to protect the North from enemies or how to help people who are struggling.
So, the Council of the North is like a big group of important people who work together to take care of one special part of a big kingdom. They do important work to make sure people in the North have everything they need to be safe and happy.