ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Court of Appeal (England and Wales)

A court of appeal is like a really important group of people who decide if something is fair or not. Sometimes, people will have a problem or disagreement with what another person or group has done, and they will go to a judge or court to try and solve the problem.

But if the person who goes to the judge doesn't like the decision they make, they can ask the court of appeal to take a look at it and see if it was fair or not. Imagine you and your friend are fighting over a toy, and your mom tells you to share it. But you think your friend got more turns, so you ask your dad to look at the situation and decide if it was really fair or not.

The court of appeal works the same way. They are judges who look at cases from all over England and Wales to see if the original decision was made correctly or not. They only look at cases that are really important or involve complicated laws, so they're like the big boss judges.

If the court of appeal decides that the original decision was wrong, they can change it or ask the lower court to review the case again. So it's like your dad telling your mom that she needs to change her decision and make sure everyone gets the same amount of turns with the toy.

The court of appeal is really important because they help make sure that everyone gets a fair chance in court and that the laws are being followed correctly.