ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Covenant theology

Covenant theology is like having a special agreement with your best friend. You promise to always share your toys, be kind to each other, and help each other when you need it. This special agreement is called a covenant.

In the Bible, there are different covenants between God and his people. One example is the covenant God made with Abraham, promising that he would have many descendants and that they would inherit a special land. This covenant is also called the Abrahamic covenant.

Covenant theology is a way of understanding the Bible by looking at these different covenants and how they relate to each other. It helps us understand how God's plan for his people has been unfolding throughout history.

For example, some people believe that the promises God made to Abraham are still relevant today and that they apply to everyone who believes in Jesus. They believe that the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament covenants, and that all of God's promises are still available to his people today.

Covenant theology is an important way of understanding the Bible because it helps us understand God's love for us and his plan for our salvation. Just like your best friend, God has made promises to us, and if we keep our part of the covenant, we can be sure that he will keep his.