ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Covenantal theology (Roman Catholic)

Covenantal theology is a way of understanding how God relates to people. Imagine that you and your friends make a promise to each other to always be kind and share your toys. This is like a covenant, which is like a very important promise or agreement.

In the same way, God makes promises to people in the Bible, like promising to love them and take care of them. These promises are called covenants. Covenantal theology says that God has made several covenants with people throughout history, which show how much He loves them and wants them to be happy.

In the Roman Catholic Church, covenantal theology is an important way of understanding how God saves people through Jesus Christ. It teaches that God made a special covenant with all of us through Jesus, which means that if we put our trust in Him and follow His teachings, we will be saved and have eternal life with Him in heaven.

So, covenantal theology helps us to understand that God is always faithful and loving, and that we can trust in His promises to us. It reminds us that we are part of a special relationship with God and that we should always do our best to live in a way that honors that relationship.