ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crash test dummy

A crash test dummy is a special toy that is used by scientists to study what might happen to people in a car crash or other accident. The dummy is made to look like a person with a head, body, arms, and legs, but it is not alive and cannot feel anything.

Before real people can use a new car or other safety equipment, scientists use the dummy to test if it is safe enough. They put the dummy in a car and then crash the car on purpose. This way, they can see what would happen to a real person if they were in that same crash. The scientists look at how fast the car is going, how it hits something, and other important things to see if the person would get hurt or not.

This helps scientists figure out how to make cars and safety gear better, so that people can be safer when they are driving or riding in a car. By using crash test dummies, scientists can help figure out how to make sure people don't get hurt as much as possible during an accident.