ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Create NSW

Okay kiddo, let's learn about creating a new South Wales (NSW)!

NSW is actually a state in Australia, kind of like a big piece of pie that's part of a bigger pie called Australia. And when people say "create NSW", what they really mean is to make something new for the state of NSW.

Now, let's pretend that you want to create a new toy that everyone in NSW can play with. First, you would need an idea for the toy - maybe it's a cool robot that can dance! Then, you would need to figure out how to make the toy. You might need to gather materials like metal or plastic, and then use tools like hammers and saws to put the pieces together.

Next, you would need to test the toy to make sure it works properly. You would check if it can dance like you wanted it to, and if it can handle being played with by lots of kids.

Once you've made sure everything works, you can start sharing it with others in NSW! You might sell it in stores or online, or even show it off at a big event.

So, creating NSW is really about coming up with new ideas and things to improve the state and make it better for everyone who lives there. It involves creativity, hard work, and lots of testing to make sure it works properly.