ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crew Dragon In-Flight Abort Test

Okay kiddo, so Crew Dragon is like a really big bus that can take people all the way into space. It's made by a company called SpaceX, and they want to make sure that it's really safe for people to ride in.

So they came up with something called an "in-flight abort test." That means they're going to pretend like there's something really wrong with the bus while it's flying really fast and high up in the air, and see if they can still make everyone inside safe.

They did this by launching the Crew Dragon up into the air like a rocket. Then, after it was flying really high and fast, they made it think that something was wrong with the rocket that was supposed to keep it going up. So the bus had to pretend like it was in an emergency and fire off some extra engines to get away really fast from the rocket that was no longer safe.

And guess what, kiddo? It worked! The bus was able to get away really fast from the rocket, and everyone inside was safe. They used tiny little dolls instead of real people, though, because they didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt.

So now SpaceX knows that their bus is really safe, and they can take people up to space with confidence. Yay for science!