ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Criminal Code (Canada)

The criminal code in Canada is like a big book of rules that everyone must follow. These rules are called laws and they tell us what we can and can't do. If someone breaks one of these laws, they can be punished by the government.

Just like at school, we have rules like "don't run in the hallway" or "don't hit your friends". The criminal code has rules too. For example, one of the rules is "don't steal other people's things". Another rule is "don't hurt other people on purpose".

If someone breaks one of these rules, they might go to court. Court is like a big meeting where people talk about what happened and decide if someone did something wrong. If you did something wrong, you might have to go to jail or pay a fine.

The criminal code also tells us what punishments people can get for breaking the rules. If you're a grown-up and you break a rule, you might have to go to jail or pay a lot of money. If you're a kid, you might have to do community service or write an apology letter.

The criminal code is important because it helps keep everyone safe and makes sure that everyone is treated fairly. It's like having rules in a game. If everyone follows the rules, the game is fun for everyone. But if someone breaks the rules, the game isn't fun anymore.