ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Critical Terrorism Studies

Okay kiddo, do you know what terrorism is? It's when people use violence or threats to scare or hurt other people for a political or religious reason.

Now, there are some people who study terrorism and they call it critical terrorism studies. They look really closely at how people think about terrorism and how it affects different groups of people in different ways.

They have different ideas about what causes terrorism and how we can prevent it. Some people might say that it's because of religion or politics or poverty. But people who study critical terrorism studies say that it's not just one thing that causes terrorism - it's a lot of different things working together.

They also look at how governments and media talk about terrorism and how that affects the way people think about it. They believe that sometimes the way terrorism is talked about in the news or by politicians can actually make the problem worse because it creates more fear and anger.

So, in short, critical terrorism studies is when people study terrorism really closely and try to understand it better so we can find better ways to stop it without creating more problems.