ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Critical data studies

So there's something called "data", which means information that we collect and store on computers. And sometimes, this data is really important - we call it "critical data" because it's needed for things like making decisions or keeping people safe.

But sometimes, people don't use or store this data in the right way. They might not protect it from bad people who want to steal it, or they might use it to make decisions that are unfair or hurtful.

That's where "critical data studies" come in. It's a way for people to learn about and talk about how data is used in society, and whether it's being used in a good way or a bad way. They ask questions like: who owns the data, and who gets to use it? Is the data being used to help people, or to hurt them?

It's like a grown-up version of asking "why" a lot. By studying how data is used critically, we can make sure that we're protecting important information and using it to make the world a better place!